President Signs Order to Ban LGBT Discrimination

President Signs Order to Ban LGBT Discrimination in the Workplace

President Barak Obama signed executive order 13762 today, which operates to prohibit LGBT discrimination against employees of the federal government and federal government contractors. LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender individuals. The president did so by amending two previous executive orders (the Equal Employment Opportunity from 1965 and Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government from 1969)  by adding “sexual orientation” and “sexual identity” to…

Sexual Harassment and Hostile Work Environment: What to Do

Sexual Harassment and Hostile Work Environment: What to Do

There’s been a ton of sexual harassment allegations in the news lately. In a matter of weeks, we’ve seen American Apparel CEO Dov Charney ousted after a steady stream of sexual harassment allegations (along with other mismanagement issues), an ex Tinder VP suing the startup and its co-founder for sexual harassment (and exposing some very interesting text…